TMPL_131_SCRL.txt Program code to Scroll to:: pstring (1-byte length) TMPL_130_BARC.txt *****: list (until end of resource) Code: 4-byte integer (hex) TMPL_129_CTRY.txt *****: list (2-byte one-based item count) Country: pstring (1-byte length) EnglishName: pstring (1-byte length) Code: pstring (1-byte length) Rate: pstring (1-byte length) Min Paper1: 4-byte integer (decimal) Min Paper2: 4-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_128_PROG.txt Programs: list (2-byte one-based item count) Name: pstring (1-byte length) Author: pstring (1-byte length) Code: pstring (1-byte length) Special: pstring (1-byte length) Flags: 4-byte integer (hex) Each Count (max 16): list (2-byte one-based item count) Cost: 2-byte integer (decimal) Min Qty (first should be 0): 2-byte integer (decimal) Site: 2-byte integer (decimal) World: 2-byte integer (decimal) Each Count (max 16): list (2-byte one-based item count) Cost: 2-byte integer (decimal) Min Qty (first should be 0): 2-byte integer (decimal) Site: 2-byte integer (decimal) World: 2-byte integer (decimal)